2011 – Stop the Cycle of Abuse – support yourself, your children and our world

I came across this video today – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XE1_O_EC9ZA – Child Abuse Exposed.

Later on, I’ve seen another video on You Tube – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7Uj_l6Tx4E – children follow the example.

Why then children are being abuse in this world? The answer is – because we allow self abuse and we do not take into consideration that we stand as an example for children and thus, allowing self abuse within ourselves is allowing abuse in the world.

We taught who to be by our parents and we pass it on to our children. We shaped ourselves throughout our lives according to what our environment showed us as an example and then we teach the children the same– the cycle of abuse continuing as we all perfected ourselves within self abuse.

We don’t even know who we are and yet, allow ourselves to believe that our education is what’s best for our children. We tend to hide behind our fears, we suppressed what and who we are and expect our children to grow up perfectly. It’s rarely that they do.

How many of us swear that they do not be to their children as your parents been to you? And yet, the moment you have children of your own, you’ve been exactly as your parents and until you’ve seen yourself, it was too late.

We can’t help it, that is the only way we know how to be BUT to keep on using that excuse will only further more the cycle of abuse.

We now have a solution, we now have the tools to get to know who we are and how we’ve accepted and allowed ourselves to be and become who we are.

We have now the tools for Re-Birthing ourselves so that we can End the cycle of abuse, the cycle of self abuse.

Self Forgiveness, Self Honesty, Self corrective application and breathing assisting me grately in stopping the cycle of abuse, to get to know how am I creating my world, get to know how did I designed myself to be and become and from that – all I have to do is walk self correction.

Check out the Desteni I Process – a life coaching training of self realization.


It is time to take responsibility for ourselves, our children, our world and to END the cycle of abuse.

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