2011 – you want to sleep but your child wont let you – drug your child

The other day I was going down on the elevator at my work building and I overheard a conversation between 2 people. one of them have a boy who didn’t want to go back to sleep after he woke up in the middle of the night and the situation forced the father to entertain the boy and thus, the dad was tired the next day. The other person who is a mother told him that if it happens again, he can give to the child a coughing medicine which will put the child to sleep. Then another conversation started about which kind of medicine is the best to make the children fall asleep.


Bythe timeI’ve snapped out of a shocking mode, the doors opened and I had to go out without saying anything to them. That was actually cool because I was reacting within myself and judged the parents for what they are doing to their children, instead of realizing that this is the fucking system that we’re all participating with, there is no point in judging nor complaining about it, but to practically stand up, become the living example so that I could show people that which they have accepted and allowed in their world.


So here I am, blogging, showing you what is going on in people’s lives – parents medicating their children for their own self interest, so that they could sleep their beauty hours.


people require to have license to drive a car, they need a license to practice investment management, a license to build a house and a license to practice law  and yet,  no one require a license to bring up children.


That will change in an Equal Money System – it is time to stop child abuse, it is time to stop ourselves and change this world to a world that is worth living, a world where children will be able to express themselves without being medicated.

I’m one vote for Equal Money System along with Desteni I process –which is a life coaching training to educate oneself to be and become a being that is living that which is best for all.

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