Tag Archives: Circumcision

2011 – Circumcision -The Horror of the Holy

Circumcision –

Today, I met a baby that was delivered just a few hours before. When the father changed the baby’s diaper, I went to look at how the pines looks like with the foreskin on.

Let me take it one step back – I was born as a Jew and I’m live inIsraelthus, all males are circumcised when they are 8 days old. Thus, I didn’t know how the foreskin looks like.

1.7 years ago, I investigated the religion/culture reasons for performing circumcision.

You can check it out here – Circumcision -The Horror of the Holy – Snip Snip

What I found out today is that the foreskin is literally attached to the human physical body, it is a part of and as the human physical body. I used to believe that it is a piece of skin that is not entirely stand one as and equal with the human physical body.

The extent of the abuse that we are accepting and allowing ourselves to exists as – taking a 8 days old baby, brutally cut off a part that is of and as the human physical body

No wonder that abuse exists in this world – we are abusing our own flash and blood. 1+1=2.

When I talk with people about this point of circumcision, I see that most people do not stop for a moment to think what is that they are accepting and allowing themselves to do to their child. It’s literally a robotic routine that people are participating with, with no consideration whatsoever of the child life. of what’s best for all.

Let me tell you another thing – circumcisions are EXPENSIVE meaning – it became an industry where people make a lot of money out of it. It cost between 3000-5000 Shekels (900$-1500$). So what driving the circumcision act? Money obviously.

Come on, be self honest and see what we’ve become – we’re so blindly believe that it is an act of/for god where in essence, its an act of/for money. God is just another fucked us abuser who allow 8 days baby to be cut.

Equal Money System and Re-Education system that is based on values of Life will change this old fashion brutally manner wherein children are being victims of almighty abuser god.

Investigate what you are automatically doing. Stop, investigate the point from the starting point of What’s best for all, investigate the point from the starting point of self honesty because you are hurting another human being just because you believe it is right, without ever questioning what it is all about. Stop abusing yourself, stop abusing others as yourself.


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